Welcome to our “DMCA Policy” page. The DMCA protects copyright owners online. If you think CM Xray is hosting your copyrighted material without permission, you can send a written notification to our agent.
What to Include in Your Notification
Your notification should have:
- Your signature or authorized person’s signature
- Identification of the copyrighted work
- Description of the infringing material
- Your contact info
- Statement of good faith belief and accuracy
What We Do Upon Receiving a Valid Notification
We remove the infringing material and notify the user. Repeat offenders lose access.
Counter Notification
If material is wrongly removed, you can send a counter notification with:
- Your signature
- Description of removed material
- Statement of good faith belief
- Your contact info
Important Note
This is not legal advice. Seek legal counsel before sending notifications. For more DMCA policy info, visit the U.S. Copyright Office website.